• 01-09-2023 05:28 AM
    Dr. Lindsey
    Class 6 hairloss after 1 case with inteview. Dr. Lindsey
    In this short video I show a guy with limited donor hair, color contrast, and finer hairs at 13 months out from his first case. We do a short interview and he will have the crown and a few hundred hairs placed at the hairline...coming up.

    The video is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSxErWDwm1c

    Dr. Lindsey McLean VA
  • 01-25-2023 02:11 PM
    Thanks for this solution!
  • 01-27-2023 12:50 PM
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  • 02-13-2023 11:46 AM
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  • 03-21-2024 03:26 AM
    Navigating hair loss can be incredibly challenging, but it's inspiring to see personal stories like on the Bald Truth Talk forum. For those considering treatment options, it’s crucial to manage expectations and goals, much like Five Compelling Reasons to Use Scrum in Your Business. Both journeys emphasize iterative progress and adaptive planning.


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