Cure within 10 years?

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  • 04-15-2012 03:34 PM

    Originally Posted by Scorpion View Post
    Pipe dream bullshit. We are doomed, bald 4 life. Replicel will fail as have hundreds of other similar companies failed before.

    yes yes then you're doomed to be bald for life. Why are you here then?
  • 04-15-2012 03:38 PM
    replicel been around for almost 10 years if there was going to be a cure this has to be it. Its not like this replicel treatment just happened. Cures take 10 years like everyone says well then replicel fits that description.
  • 04-15-2012 03:41 PM
    Well first depends what you consider a cure.
    If you mean something that will alter the genes causing hair loss or a pill that will make the hair on scalp resistant to DHT than that kind of cure won't happen in the near future.
    The best bet for a 'cure' is if they could manage to grow the hair follicles from stem cells. That is what currently Dr. Ronald Lauster is doing. But his research will probably take years and so far they have managed to create vellus and not terminal hair. So who knows if this will pan out...

    So currently we can only hope towards better treatments. Now everybod knows about current clinicla trials from the 'Fantastic Four': Aderans, Histogen, Replicel, Follica.

    We will know if these treatments are effective in about 2-3 years since that is when they should be finishing their clinical trials. Except Follica I have no idea what they have, but I don't think they are oriented towards developing a new treatment. I think they mostly doing research on the matter, so they could be in their trials for a decade without any problem.

    Now this is just my opinion but the only thing I cna offer you know is that in the present we have the most advances and research going on for us, unlike the past.

    What I hope is that in 5-10 years we will be able to say goodbye to Propecia and Minox...
  • 04-15-2012 03:44 PM
    screw that 5-10 year shit...3 years we can say goodbye to minoxidil but i still think we will need propecia with replicel.
  • 04-15-2012 03:55 PM
    Replicel does not exist in a vacuum - there's plenty of stuff on the go.

    We've got Histogen, which is (I believe) in it's phase I/II trial at the moment.

    We have Aderans, which is well into its Phase II trial right now.

    We have Follica - incredibly secretive, but Kobren has said things on the air that leads me to believe he's got reason to be confident in their progress. I believe they're in Phase II as well, and Cotsarelis has taken out about 50 different patents for different hair loss remedies.

    We have Allergan's stronger Bimatoprost (Latisse) formula that should be out in a couple of years, which we hope will be at least as strong as a topical Propecia.

    We have Cosmo's CB-03-01, a topical anti-androgen already in clinical trials as an acne treatment.

    I've sure I've forgotten a few - you can find lots of info about all these treatments online.
  • 04-19-2012 12:20 AM
    The reality is..for all we know there could've been a cure or something close to it available a long time ago..but because they make so much money from these so called hair loss'll never least in the near future.
  • 04-19-2012 04:45 AM

    Originally Posted by Rell View Post
    The reality is..for all we know there could've been a cure or something close to it available a long time ago..but because they make so much money from these so called hair loss'll never least in the near future.

    A cure won't be created.

    However, a more effective treatment then Propecia and minox will be created within the next 10 years.

    Which TBH is still a massive breakthru.

    Also, you seem to not realise, that there will always be balding people with every generation. They will always make money irrespective on if there is a cure or not.
  • 04-19-2012 08:12 AM
    A treatment as good or better than propecia without those nasty sides would be huge progress for a lot of people. I'll probably be bald in 3 years and it won't do me any good, but still.
  • 04-19-2012 08:56 PM

    Originally Posted by yeahyeahyeah View Post
    A cure won't be created.

    However, a more effective treatment then Propecia and minox will be created within the next 10 years.

    Which TBH is still a massive breakthru.

    Also, you seem to not realise, that there will always be balding people with every generation. They will always make money irrespective on if there is a cure or not.

    That's basically what I said, of course balding is going to continue with each generation..especially with all of the chemicals being put in foods today. I'm just saying I wouldn't be surprised if a cure or something close to it has already been made, but it wouldn't be available to the general public because they would lose too much money behind it.
  • 04-20-2012 05:08 PM
    ha ha ha ha ha


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