• 03-23-2015 01:54 AM
    Taking antidepressants for hair loss would not be an ideal option. Antidepressants including SSRIs have been linked to hair loss, and at this point this is the last thing you will need. However, possibility of this side effect is very small like in 1% of cases. So you need to weigh your benefits vs risk. If you are sure depression is not only due to hair loss, in my personal view, you should go for it. Alternatively, you can think of fluvoxamine, after discussing with your pschyo, risk of hair loss, is only 0.02%, I read.
  • 04-03-2015 01:03 AM
    I think hairloss is one of the last things you should think about when it comes to anti-depressants.

    There are several natural alternatives you should try before you consider a prescribed pill.

    - up your consumption of foods rich in omega-3's like fish
    - foods with 5-HTP in food like turkey and bananas can lift your mood
    - St. John's wort is great for low-level depression
    - spices like saffron can elevate mood
    - foods high in folate, B6 and B12 like eggs, buckwheat, lentils and spinach can benefit those with depression

    Obviously if you have a severe case of depression than you should consult with a health care professional. I would suggest you speak with a naturopath before you turn to prescription medication.
  • 04-03-2015 07:03 AM

    Originally Posted by ChrisA View Post
    I think hairloss is one of the last things you should think about when it comes to anti-depressants.

    There are several natural alternatives you should try before you consider a prescribed pill.

    - up your consumption of foods rich in omega-3's like fish
    - foods with 5-HTP in food like turkey and bananas can lift your mood
    - St. John's wort is great for low-level depression
    - spices like saffron can elevate mood
    - foods high in folate, B6 and B12 like eggs, buckwheat, lentils and spinach can benefit those with depression

    Obviously if you have a severe case of depression than you should consult with a health care professional. I would suggest you speak with a naturopath before you turn to prescription medication.

    I'd like to physical activity to the list of natural remedies for depression. "When you exercise, your body releases chemicals called endorphins. These endorphins interact with the receptors in your brain that reduce your perception of pain." I can confirm that it works, as helped me to manage the depression caused by hair loss.
  • 04-03-2015 03:43 PM
    Y gwningen llwyd
    I've been on a high dose of Sertraline (Zoloft) for over a decade (I'm also taking Zyprexa), and it has never caused me any hair loss. In fact, I've had very minimal side-effects. I started losing my hair in the typical MPB pattern about four years ago. I knew from the manner in which my hair was being lost that it was MPB rather than a side-effect of either of the psychiatric medications. And, sure enough, after a few months of using Dutasteride, my hair began thickening up amazingly well, showing that DHT was indeed the culprit for my hair loss. As far as I know, hair loss is very rare as a side-effect of psychiatric medications. I've known dozens of people who are on antidepressants or other psychiatric drugs (including several extended family members), and none of them have any hair loss other than a few with what is obviously MPB.
  • 04-05-2015 10:37 PM
    I would agree with Chris here. Sure you can turn up to prescription medicines in severe case. But there would be no harm in trying an alternative therapy first at least for few months. Though hair loss is rare side effect of antidepressant, you cannot rule out its possibility completely. As every individual react to every drugs differently, even your doctor would not be in position to confirm on this.

    Exercise, mind-body therapies, and herbal supplements may have the power to affect your outlook and even alter your brain chemistry. Regular exercise seems to encourage the brain to rewire itself in positive way. Cut way back on or completely eliminate sugar and refined carbs; both high and low blood sugar cause your body to release a surge of adrenaline and cortisol, which are stress (fight-or-flight) hormones. Hope it helps.
  • 04-07-2015 08:49 PM
    If you want to go the completely "all-natural" route, another thing to consider would be Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. It's one of the best treatments available for depression/anxiety/etc. with not only a very high success rate, but a very fast one at that. I suffered for over 20 years with moderate to sometimes severe OCD and the only thing that ultimately saved me was CBT. Within the first 6 months, I had gotten more of my life back than I had ever had before.

    Look into it and see if it appeals to you. If you can get to the bottom of this without using meds, you'll be better off in the long run.

    Wishing you much success with it all. Feel free to private message me if you have specific questions.

    I am a patient advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi in Los Angeles, CA. My opinions/comments are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Dr. Mohebi and his staff.
  • 04-08-2015 06:09 AM
    Best thing for me is being around great people that make me laugh. I can be myself no matter how stupid and we can laugh because they are just as stupid. If you can't do this then you have no friends so go find some good ones. They are out there :)

    Check out Brendon Burchard on YouTube. watch "How to design the perfect day". I try to set up at least 6 social events a month like a happy hour or something that gets me around friends. I also do 1, 3-4 day trip every other month. I don't suffer from depression but yeah I get bummed now and again. I also do a 90 day monthly challenge. T25 is the new one. so far T25 is winning.

    Wish I could help more.


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