• 04-17-2013 03:01 AM

    Originally Posted by Proper View Post
    And to top it off... Im just aimlessly reaching here... We will never know what goes on inside a womens mind. That fact that they know they are repressed, are taught and showned by society that women are somewhat inferior to men (even though there are feminist groups out there trying to save ass) makes it so that a hot chick still ends up with a fat ugly man because deep down inside, she believes that she will get nowhere without the fortune of a rich man despite him being fat and ugly and nobody likes him. We will never know how it feels to be repressed. Unless you lived your life as a women, you can't speak for them. Its much like a mexican kid growing up in a white society even despite being born in that white society, he will never feel the belonging, will always having a different mindset that he is for some reason despite being told he is not, inferior. Or a white kid growing up in an asian country. So don't fking speak about religion and women. There is no correlation.

    Whats funny is I started off hating women. Then religion gets brought into this and I hate religion that much more so now Im defending women, so I can bash religion. Hate is a strong word. Let's just say I dont agree with the shit they try to pretend to implement. Its some illuminati shit, they got something else going.

    Sexual freedom is just a population control technique. Ever wonder why US and the likes are so enthusiastic about spreading feminism to other countries, such as Muslim countries, it is because they know that once women are sexually liberated, they are far less likely to marry and the family system is destroyed, resulting in less births.

    Morals should be enforced, rather than leaving up to the people. If you tell kids, its up to them if they want to go to school or not, many kids would not go! Similarly if you tell people to not indulge in drugs, immoral sex, as its bad for them, how many of them will listen. Such kind of things need to be enforced.
  • 04-17-2013 05:25 AM

    Originally Posted by baldozer View Post
    Sexual freedom is just a population control technique. Ever wonder why US and the likes are so enthusiastic about spreading feminism to other countries, such as Muslim countries, it is because they know that once women are sexually liberated, they are far less likely to marry and the family system is destroyed, resulting in less births.

    Morals should be enforced, rather than leaving up to the people. If you tell kids, its up to them if they want to go to school or not, many kids would not go! Similarly if you tell people to not indulge in drugs, immoral sex, as its bad for them, how many of them will listen. Such kind of things need to be enforced.

    That is a very good point you raise. I do agree with what you say here. At the same time, the feminist groups, whether or not their intentions are good, I will never know. The way I see it is that they believe that all women should experience the freedom they are blessed with so they feel bad for women in Muslim countries being so controlled.

    But yes, you do raise the point where they may be spreading corruption to families. But that is what it is. With money and freedom, also comes power. And with power, they believe that they can do whatever they want, just like how men have money and power. They cheat, they lie, they do whatever they want. So who are we to enforce rules on women when we are just another human being.

    Theres a certain amount of enforcement that needs to be addressed though. Too much of something and it'll backfire. Telling kids not to do something and forcing them abide by it at all costs doesn't work. They will want to rebel and do the opposite. You can't change people. People change themselves and the only way they will change is if they are exposed to these kind of things. Let them see it. I'm not saying let them experience it cause some minds are weaker than others or have addictive personalities and get caught up in it. And that is where the difference between people come into play. Their will. No one else can provide another with more will by simple saying, NO.

    I've been to prayers, I've been to temples, I've been to all kinds of churches. And they do all sum the basic things which I do believe in. And as long as I have the conscience to do the right and be honest, I believe that is all that matters. Something that will get me by in life and acceptable behaviour. I won't say that I will never lie, I will never be dishonest, I will never hurt others but that is my own demons I have to battle and if somenoe came and told me otherwise, something I already know, it would only make me become more furious and abandon the righteousness.
  • 04-17-2013 05:55 AM
    25 going on 65

    Originally Posted by baldozer View Post
    Sexual freedom is just a population control technique. Ever wonder why US and the likes are so enthusiastic about spreading feminism to other countries, such as Muslim countries, it is because they know that once women are sexually liberated, they are far less likely to marry and the family system is destroyed, resulting in less births.

    Morals should be enforced, rather than leaving up to the people. If you tell kids, its up to them if they want to go to school or not, many kids would not go! Similarly if you tell people to not indulge in drugs, immoral sex, as its bad for them, how many of them will listen. Such kind of things need to be enforced.

    Conspiracy theories + control issues + NW7 = classic case of "this guy is going to flip his lid & massacre his family when he finally catches his wife cheating on him"
    Just remember I called it first.
  • 04-17-2013 07:04 AM

    Originally Posted by 25 going on 65 View Post
    Conspiracy theories + control issues + NW7 = classic case of "this guy is going to flip his lid & massacre his family when he finally catches his wife cheating on him"
    Just remember I called it first.

    This deserves a..........................


    bUT in all seriousness....

  • 04-17-2013 08:33 AM

    Originally Posted by 25 going on 65 View Post
    Conspiracy theories + control issues + NW7 = classic case of "this guy is going to flip his lid & massacre his family when he finally catches his wife cheating on him"
    Just remember I called it first.

    Ya right, do you know what was common among all the recent shootings in U.S. You guessed it right, most of those men were incel loners, a product of this sexually liberated gynocentric society! Its also the reason why America had so many serial killers. Its far from an ideal society.
  • 04-17-2013 08:38 AM

    Originally Posted by baldozer View Post
    Ya right, do you know what was common among all the recent shootings in U.S. You guessed it right, most of those men were incel loners, a product of this sexually liberated gynocentric society! Its also the reason why America had so many serial killers. Its far from an ideal society.

    So what you are saying is we have to repress and control women but pertain to the needs of sickly individuals? So we are controlling millions of people and keeping them in check in order to satisfy the needs of the few hundreds so that society would be a better place? Thats not fair.

    What those losers feel like doing is their own actions. I'm sorry but even if a women was made for every man, those certain lonely men still wouldn't be able to get women and keep them. I think there would be more death crimes because women would be leaving, cheating or hiding from their weirdo husbands due to a forced religion opposed on them. These kind of people don't have the mind stability., or maybe they just feel like doing it cause they are sick of such a piece of shit world cause nothing else went their way so they decide to blame everything on women and their sexually.

    I say fk them, let them burn. If they can't find another outlet but to hurt others then so be it, bend em over and fk em in the ass. Fk em till they shed tears. FK EM!!!
  • 04-17-2013 10:38 AM
    The misogyny in this thread is sickening. Winston, you are needed here.
  • 04-18-2013 07:59 AM
    Davey Jones
    Someone should build a machine that converts insecurity into hair. This thread alone would give us all 'fro's.
  • 04-18-2013 03:28 PM
    Man can not be equal to God. Women can not be equal to man. This foothold creates true equality.

    Thank you...Thank you all :)




  • 04-18-2013 06:42 PM
    If you got a bid dick and confidence, then women will always flock to you.


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