balding and heart disease

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  • 01-26-2015 04:31 AM
    balding and heart disease
    Recently, I've read an article about the the fact that bald men are more prone to have heart disease. Have you ever heard about this? Does anyone here have heart problems?
  • 01-26-2015 07:40 AM
    I have read more statistics like that ("bald men have a higher risk on X" or "Bald men in generall have less Y" and so on) and I REALLY wonder on what they're based... I mean, the only thing bald men have differently from men with hair is that their hair follicles on their scalp are sensitive to androgens, right? The rest is basically the same? If so, then statistics like these are pure coincedence.

    Anyway, I don't have heart problems as far as I know. I doubt you're going to get a lot of "Yes"-answers to this question on this forum though, as most of us here are <35 and I rarely hear of young people having heart problems.
  • 01-27-2015 02:57 PM
    My grandfather has been bald since he was very young. Yet he is 90 and in perfect health.
  • 01-30-2015 02:35 AM

    Originally Posted by Illusion View Post
    I mean, the only thing bald men have differently from men with hair is that their hair follicles on their scalp are sensitive to androgens, right? The rest is basically the same? If so, then statistics like these are pure coincedence.

    The explanation I've found is that bald men have higher levels of male hormone receptors in their scalp and also have higher levels of testosterone. An enzyme in the body converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone that causes hair follicles to shrink. As it was also researched this same enzyme interacts with testosterone in the arteries, causing atherosclerosis.
  • 01-30-2015 03:49 AM
    I would agree with this. The scalp has a higher density of male-hormone receptors, and high levels of hormones such as testosterone are associated with an increased risk of hardening of the arteries and blood clotting. Even other factors such as raised blood pressure, high cholesterol and smoking are considered common for increased risk of heart disease and balding; especially balding at the crown. However, further research is needed to confirm.
    P.S : new to alopecia, coming to term with hair loss :(
  • 01-30-2015 04:26 AM
    Yes, I've heard about this theory, however I think that further researches should be done in this field. Heart disease is a condition that could be affected by many factors and it is quite difficult to find men who lead an absolutely healthy life and do not have other problems except hair loss to confirm this theory.
  • 03-25-2015 04:46 AM
    Recent study concludes male baldness (especially vertex baldness) could be a risk factor for heart diseases. It may not be solely responsible factor for your heart damage but, it could be contributing one. So there is no harm in adapting heart-healthy lifestyle like low fat diet, exercise and less stress. Not only CHD, but even insulin resistance, which increases the risk of diabetes appears slightly more often in bald men than in their peers. Another reason could be increased sensitivity to testosterone; also plays an important role in promoting cardiovascular disease.
  • 03-30-2015 05:01 AM

    Originally Posted by AnnaM11 View Post
    Recent study concludes male baldness (especially vertex baldness) could be a risk factor for heart diseases. It may not be solely responsible factor for your heart damage but, it could be contributing one. So there is no harm in adapting heart-healthy lifestyle like low fat diet, exercise and less stress. Not only CHD, but even insulin resistance, which increases the risk of diabetes appears slightly more often in bald men than in their peers. Another reason could be increased sensitivity to testosterone; also plays an important role in promoting cardiovascular disease.

    Thanks for your answer Anna.


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