My provider, Bill Calvitti, sent me a link to an article he wrote on the affect stress has on hair loss. This is new to me, what do others think?
It makes sense and I can see how my stress levels have risen in the past few years (as my hair has receded). I am doing what I can to keep stress at a min anyway but wow, could this be a contributing factor in men's hair loss?
let me know what you think? I love my friends at Hairsolutions and appricate the extra effort they put into customer care.
It makes sense and I can see how my stress levels have risen in the past few years (as my hair has receded). I am doing what I can to keep stress at a min anyway but wow, could this be a contributing factor in men's hair loss?
let me know what you think? I love my friends at Hairsolutions and appricate the extra effort they put into customer care.