losing hair+beard = losing my mind

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  • Alex88
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2014
    • 122

    losing hair+beard = losing my mind


    I somehow convinced myself that losing hair is "ok" even if my own
    self image is permanently ruined (chances at jobs,ladies and whatsover....and for someone saying the opposite - **** off,we're not all the same with same good traits)and i could pull the "shaved off tattoos-n'-beard-biker like look" and basically do whatever other people with the same problem do - living life whitout thinking about hair.

    Now,i'm losing my ****ing beard. in fact,i'm losing both. My friends used to say my beard looked super thick and dense and i always took compliments for the ladies as well.
    For a moment,the fact that i was bald was not so relevant because i had a decent and manly beard. See i'm not a beard fan myself but if it helps to seem more realiable,likeable and sexy...why the heck one should not use it as a weapon for mass distraction?

    Enough bullshit. I'm losing my ****ing mind on this subject and i dunno what to do
    I'm taking vitamin B & D beacuse i have a deficency in this sense.
    Probably i'll jump on saw palmetto and see if it's the same shit al
    propecia. Niz is off the game because if i use it after one hour and half i'm pretty much back to square one. I've been talking to different docs and i'm doing my blood tests - for the analysis they gave me in advance,it may be an excess of hormones,that leads to an excess of sebum and causing clogged hair/beard follicles. Or a bacteria infection. Or both. Blood will tell! Cabergoline & Bromocryptine has been suggested....seems to me another way to cash on some poor bald loser again but i dunno

    One of the docs actually said one frightening thing - "if it's sebum,you might as well think about laser therapy - this will burn every hair you got but at least you won't have pimples,sebum and of course the need for another transplant"
    Which i exclude totally from my book,since the first went down the drain because of sebum and bad doctor's skills/need to study the case before going for the knife and the toil

    I honestly don't know that to think. Every ****ing time i wipe under my mustaches there's this substance greasy and stinky (it's sebum) and circled patches where beard hair are still present but hair simply dont grow. On the head is even worse,i got yellow pimples and hair growing at their own speed whatever they want or don't growing at all. Or get ****ing ejected out with some yellowish sticky stuff.And i'm shining even in the absence of decent lights,like i'm full of sweat or something.

    I would like to close my rant with something a little bit different than and angry shout on deaf ears but for **** sake.....
    2015 and still no serious and/or affordable cure for ALL this shit? Really?
    FTW. If i'd go totally bald,i guess the only thing i could do is be a human guinea pig for prevent Others like me from reaching the same point as i'm doing.

    if you have anny suggestion,let me know i'm not feeling totally right like now
  • Herbaliser
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2015
    • 435

    Vitamin supplements like you take B and D docent help much, since vitamins do not exist as single components that act on their own.
    Since natural vitamins are made from different components enzymes and co-factors that works together, and therefore your body knows how to digest them properly.

    I made a simple change and bought a low RPM juicer, and started juicing my vitamins instead greens, carrots etc.. for my health, skin and hair since it is a lot easier than chewing them.
    Even put some on my scalp with great result, and at least this change helped me hugely, and i truly believe itīs the smartest way to improve the inside and outside.


    • Alex88
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2014
      • 122

      thanks for the reply. i honestly believe that eating healthy and taking vitamins helps alot....

      did you know anything about the african pigeum,pumpkin seeds (supposed same effects as saw palmetto)chasteberry, evening Primrose and stuff like that?


      • Herbaliser
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2015
        • 435

        Not an expert in that area but i blended in pumpkin seed oil in my topical treatment now, to see what happens but still itīs only binary (thickening, speeding hair growth) in my topical base.
        I concentrated on freshness on my oral and topical treatment, since most of the potential vitamins, minerals gets lost during the process when producing pills or pouring it in to a bottle.

