How guys,my name is Richard and I'm 21 years old.My hairline has been receding since I was 18 but I dont use any treatments to slow down the process at this stage.
The weird thing about me,is that I've taken a hairline pic with a flash in a dark Room and I can see that my forehead has a ton of hairs( like a shit ton) all Over when I zoomed itt hat I cant see and had no idea were there with normal lighting.(on both sides the recession is similar)
With no light I think I'm like a NW 2.5.
What do you guys think I should do since I now want to start slowing down the loss.
Are those small hair just Impossible to regrow?
WTF is going on?Hairy forehead and receding hairline at the same time?!?I
The weird thing about me,is that I've taken a hairline pic with a flash in a dark Room and I can see that my forehead has a ton of hairs( like a shit ton) all Over when I zoomed itt hat I cant see and had no idea were there with normal lighting.(on both sides the recession is similar)
With no light I think I'm like a NW 2.5.
What do you guys think I should do since I now want to start slowing down the loss.
Are those small hair just Impossible to regrow?
WTF is going on?Hairy forehead and receding hairline at the same time?!?I