Hair thinning on scalp

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  • Lee R
    Junior Member
    • Sep 2017
    • 7

    Hair thinning on scalp

    Hi everyone, for the past 9 months I have noticed hair thinning on the top of my head/scalp. I would really appreciate any advice on this. I am 36 years old and have always previously had thich hair. Is this normal pattern balding or something else?
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  • BaldBearded
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2017
    • 548

    That looks like telogen effluvium, time to see a Dermo.


    • Lee R
      Junior Member
      • Sep 2017
      • 7

      HalBaldbearded, thank you for your reply I really appreciate it. I've made an appointment to see my doctor next week so hopefully he can have a look and maybe refer me to a derm. I never really noticed how bad it was until I took pictures of it. It started when I noticed strands of hair coming out really easily with like white flaky bits attached. Im really worried about it to be honest. Its only thinning on the top of my head, the sides and back are fine hence I thought it may have been pattern balding at first. It also feels really itchy these past few days not sure if thats a sign of anything?. Thanks again for your reply.


        Junior Member
        • Sep 2017
        • 5

        Hi...I'm 46 and just got a similar is more than likely the dreaded MPB...but you got it in time like me....take propecia with Minox and nizorel and it should thicken up you hair....remember...where your hair looks bald it's just a thinning or hairs....propecia can thicken up those hairs so you should be back to normal in a year.....


        • Lee R
          Junior Member
          • Sep 2017
          • 7

          Hi DA BALD JUICE. Thanks for replying. So I went to the doctor and he ran blood tests, had the results, all clear no vitamin/iron deficiencies. He said that it is most likely MPB. But, I have a dry/flaky scalp which he advised me to use nizorel. So, I have ordered the propecia but I'm just a bit scared to take it as I have never taken any drugs in my life. I'm not too bothered about the side effects of low libido etc I'm just concerned that it may cause more hair to fall out. I honestly don't know what to do. The thinning is really bad but nobody has noticed it . . yet. The question is so I take the risk, leave it and monitor it, shave it (I dont think I have the right shaped head to suit this)or do I take the propecia? I'm really confused and any advise would be really appreciated.


          • BaldBearded
            Senior Member
            • Jan 2017
            • 548

            Have no idea of what you look like from the front, but from the photo, your hairline looks really thin. It's possible people notice, but don't say anything. But the issue is how YOU feel about yourself. You can choose to DO something. You have choices, drugs, plugs and rugs. Lots of testimony on here to the pluses and minuses of all three. You can buzz it, and see how your head looks like, without going full bore shave.

            Many guys say they don't "have the head for it", although I really have NO idea of what that really means. TONS of shaved guys here (Israel) where MPB is very prevalent, and at a VERY young age. Too hot for rugs, and plugs and drugs TOO expensive.

            Go here for support if you need it.

            Sly Bald Guys is the best place on the internet for hairloss and head shaving advice.

            Good luck.



            • Lee R
              Junior Member
              • Sep 2017
              • 7

              my concern is that if I shave it all off and don't like it, it won't grow back. It seems to have actually stopped growing or is growing very slowly on the top, but there is some hair still there and maybe I should try and keep it. I have the propecia ready to take but can't build the balls up to take it, sad I know but I'm just worried it may make things worse


              • BaldBearded
                Senior Member
                • Jan 2017
                • 548

                1. Hair grows back if you shave it.

                2. If your hair stopped growing, you would be totally bald on top, as as the hairs go through their natural cycle, they would NOT grow back.

