Horseshoe in my future?

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  • jjones2908
    Junior Member
    • Apr 2016
    • 26

    Horseshoe in my future?

    Hello all,

    First post, obviously. I am a 32 year old guy with what I believe to be a Norwood 3 (verging on 'V') pattern with some diffuse thinning in the forelock area. I probably developed from a Norwood 2 to 3 at about the age of 26, but it's been the last 18 months that my forelock and crown have started to thin. The forelock thinning is particularly annoying as it makes it harder to style my hair. I've now given in and shaved my hair down to a 4 on top and 2/3 on the sides.

    Anyway, I was just hoping that you fine people with a good eye for this kind of thing might be able to look at my photos and tell me whether it looks like I'm developing the dreaded 'horseshoe' or whether it's looking more likely that I'll stop at a Norwood 4 or 5. I presume that I won't be stopping at the my current level anyway! I'm not too fussed about getting it looked at by a dermatologist as it would only really be to satisfy my curiosity.

    For info, my Father is a high-sided Norwood 6 at the age of 62, maternal grandfather passed away with a Norwood 3 at the very most (no crown loss) and my maternal uncle is somewhere between a Norwood 3A and 4A (minimal crown loss) at the age of 53.


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  • Artista
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2010
    • 2070

    Hello there JJones2908 !
    I see that you are a new member here and that was a good thing for you to do! WELCOME!

    Its being that you are now are 32 years old in dealing with hairloss.
    You probably do have a better understanding of ones life.
    I would bet that you now have the foresight available to you as well.
    That would give you the ability to avoid allowing yourself to become stressed-out or worried
    about anything in your life.

    No one can know for sure exactly what will happen to your hairline later on.
    Its possible that your hair will not go to a NW 6 like your fathers scalp did but its also possible that it wont get that extensive.
    You cannot ever allow yourself to become worried and stressed out about that possibility.
    There is no reason to,,and I think that you realize that being that you are now 32.
    Hopefully you do NOT have any emotional issues (stress and depression) because that could and would seriously affect your hairline, making it more of a hairloss problem.
    Your health would be affected because of stress and depression too.

    I want to know , are you using any type of hair treatments right now?

    Your hair is definitely maturing now and its possible that you would experience more hairloss.
    No worries though! There are many different types of treatments available for all of us.
    There are future medical treatments that will be available at some point too.
    Don't know when that will take place though.
    Hope to hear back from you bro!!
    (where do you live at?)


    • jjones2908
      Junior Member
      • Apr 2016
      • 26

      Hi Artista,

      Thanks for your response, very kind. I know that what I was asking was for someone to predict the future, which is near impossible.

      You're right that I am in a fairly stable place, being in my 30s and I don't have the same concerns that I had in my 20s. I'm not the best looking person and I'm not the worst, but I do obviously worry a little about what my genetics have in store for me! I think I'm just curious to know whether, to the trained eye, I look like I'm headed for total loss on top, or just the back and front. I'm certainly not stopping at a 3V, that would be far too lucky! I guess it doesn't really matter because regardless of whether I hit a 4 or 6 on the scale, I'd want to shave it all very short anyway!

      I haven't used any treatments before and my current situation / plans mean that I wouldn't want to go on medication. I'm not sure whether I would in future, but if hair transplants go down in price (haha...) then perhaps I'd consider some frontal work as I'm concerned about losing the frontal area completely.


      (I am located in the U.K.)


      • JohnMPB
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2009
        • 379

        I don't think you're in a bad spot for being 32 with that hair. There's a good possibility that you can at least maintain or thicken and maybe regrow some hair with the big 3. Google the big 3 to see what the treatment entails. Chances are if you don't treat it that it will progress.


        • Artista
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2010
          • 2070

          Hi JJones2908! Glad to hear back from you.
          So you ARE in the U.K. ..thats what i thought.

          Do you know about 'Spex' ?

          Spex is also from the U.K. and he is a GOOD and helpful guy here on this hairloss forum!!
          I have known him now for many many years now!

          Spex is a Dr Representative ..
          My point is that you should have a conversation with him to find out where in the U.K. you might be able to get a, not so expensive, hairloss treatment help.
          "SPEXHAIR - UK Representative and Patient Advisor -"

          His Page:

          Another good guy here is JohnMPB

          John' has given you a good response here on your thread.


          • Artista
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2010
            • 2070

            I just got on to my computer this morning....saying hello to you JJones' and to JohnMPB!!

            Hello to Spex as well!!


            • JohnMPB
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2009
              • 379

              Hi Artista,
              Just a quick question. Do you believe there is any correlation between mpb and adequate sleep? I'd like to know your thoughts.


              • Artista
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2010
                • 2070

                Hi John' !
                Sorry but I don't have any idea of that correlation.
                Tomorrow I will do the research on it.


                • dm90
                  Senior Member
                  • Jan 2016
                  • 104

                  A weak tangential correlation. Sleep deprivation is thought to increase oxidative stress. Oxidative stress has been shown to have a roll in hairloss, however it more than likely pales in importance to androgen stimuli. Take me for example, throughout undergrad, grad school and now med school I have spent days on in awake. Also I was a smoker for years, which also increases oxidative stress. But i'm on fin and have been since 20, I havent seen any progression of hairloss regardless of my high stress lifestyle


                  • JohnMPB
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2009
                    • 379

                    Originally posted by dm90
                    A weak tangential correlation. Sleep deprivation is thought to increase oxidative stress. Oxidative stress has been shown to have a roll in hairloss, however it more than likely pales in importance to androgen stimuli. Take me for example, throughout undergrad, grad school and now med school I have spent days on in awake. Also I was a smoker for years, which also increases oxidative stress. But i'm on fin and have been since 20, I havent seen any progression of hairloss regardless of my high stress lifestyle
                    Thanks for the input dm90. I ask because:

                    1. Like you during undergrad and grad school I was under a tremendous amount of stress and sleep deprivation (as well as excess emotional stress from other things including a horrible ex gf) and noticed an exponential increase in hair loss.

                    2. When I do not get adequate sleep my seborrheic dermatitis/psoriasis flares up. This also happens when I am emotionally stressed.

                    At least in my case I think it can definitely speed up loss. But I agree the androgen response is primarily responsible.

                    Side note. How long have you been on fin and what kind of results? Nw?


                    • dm90
                      Senior Member
                      • Jan 2016
                      • 104

                      I completely believe you. Oddly enough human scalp follicles are complete ninnys, sorry couldn't think of a better word lol, and just about anything can cause them to she's from insomnia, poor diet, I mean just about every psychiatric medication has sudden hairloss listed as a side effect. I'm regards to the oxidative stress, RES for sorry, is bad for hair even if aga isn't present. However, and I'll have to look for the study, I read that follicles inflicted
                      With aga are much more susceptible to RES. Now this is just speculation on my part but I don't think that means that stress will cause "permanent" loss of you are on medication, however I absolutely believe stress
                      Of any kind will cause TE much more easily in individuals with AGA. While I said my hairloss hasn't progressed Fromy high stress lifestyle, there have definitely been times when I noticed a huge shed. And for me to admit that is pretty significant because I have never experienced, or paid attention, to shedding.

