Anyone heard of this new treatment

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  • stravucce
    Junior Member
    • Aug 2011
    • 12

    I dont see any magazines or pictures!!

    Saw aplmeto is exactlt the same thing than propecia, full of side effects
    Usint it for too long may increase the risk of bleeding or affect sex hormones
    it is herbal maybe but still harsh


    • doke
      Senior Member
      • Jun 2009
      • 1475

      go to site map at bottom of page and click media?


      • childsoul
        Junior Member
        • Jul 2011
        • 15

        Originally posted by doke
        go to site map at bottom of page and click media?


        • childsoul
          Junior Member
          • Jul 2011
          • 15

          Originally posted by doke
          go to site map at bottom of page and click media?


          YOU CALL IT SHIIT .. I CALL IT A GOOD ALTERNATIVE TO MINOX AND ROGAINE!! not exactly what everyone is waiting for but doing great on slowing the bolding process!!

          What's your treatment DOKE? Tell us what you are using at the moment and how is it working for you?
          Who knows... you might convince us to try something else!! Give us something that stops your hairloss and thiken your hair with no side effects ?

          And you talking about price because it is herbal? seriously man, if tomorow a product made of water and mash potatoes grows my hair safely and avoid me painfull transplant or poisenous treatments, i will buy it for thousands of pounds, just give me the name!!:cool


          • stravucce
            Junior Member
            • Aug 2011
            • 12


            Originally posted by childsoul
            Childsoul! what (doke) means is that if the company is lying on their media, that means they must be lying about the efficency of their product. which is true (doke) has a point there.

            I personally never buy products just because they are advertised on magazines or on TV, i mean look at rogaine it is advertised everywhere but still the results are mediocr, and the sides effects are immense, i just tried uk hair solutions when friends recommanded it to me, not because of some adverts!

            Uk hair solutions says 3 months it regrows your hair, but it does not specify for androgenic causes, if you email them they will tell you that 3 months wouldn't be enough for alopecia, i kind of like their franchise on their product, they even put it on their first page the picture of the bold guy and they tell you dont try our product, it will not help you, they are not trying to push people buying it, and i like that!!


            • Flowers
              Senior Member
              • Feb 2011
              • 254

              Soo we're nearing the end of Q3 2011...


              • doke
                Senior Member
                • Jun 2009
                • 1475

                to be fair child if it works for you and the others here then thats great and good luck to you,what i do not like though is the over priced con even £85 is a lot for a herbal and who says that just olive oil might work for anyone if they are lucky.
                We have heard all these scams before and beleave me i at 53 have over 25 years of this shit and tried many so called snake oils.
                They do contradict as they say 3 months for hair regrowth and as you have said they do not mention much about male pattern loss,a while ago another so called herbal regrowth product was touted as the real deal and that was stemcelex which even had the pics but there again it was found on another regrowth site to be a rip off.


                • doke
                  Senior Member
                  • Jun 2009
                  • 1475

                  In reply to what i use i have stopped minox as it is a hassle to use and i am on an oral product propecia and a natural vit L Oreal product inneov or as it was called hair mass and my loss is slowing down and as we know regrowing new hair is the most difficult,when we have any product that can regenerate real new growth then we have won.


                  • childsoul
                    Junior Member
                    • Jul 2011
                    • 15

                    Ok we seem to have the same results on different treatments!! propecia or uk hair solutions, it comes to same price £27 a month is not that bad when yu get what you want, the only difference is that uk hair solutions is herbal and it works for me as i am avoiding chemicals.
                    What s that l'oreal thing you are using?


                    • doke
                      Senior Member
                      • Jun 2009
                      • 1475

                      The hair mass is oral two a day tablets that contain taurine and other vits it is called inneov, now have you bald scalp and if so has your topical regrown any hair on the spots? if it has it would be what people are looking for and have you any pics before and after?


                      • childsoul
                        Junior Member
                        • Jul 2011
                        • 15

                        Propecia did some regrowth for you, i just started taking some pictures now!!
                        taurine grows hair?


                        • childsoul
                          Junior Member
                          • Jul 2011
                          • 15

                          I noticed a regrowth 9 months after i started applying uk hair solutions, it started on the top of the head, then on the sides, but the left side is growing less than the right one, i had patches in the sides and they completly disapeared on the right but still visible on the left side.
                          i went around forums and i nobody who use uk hair solutions has the same problem, it is either growing or not, but i have this mismatch situation and it is pissing me offfff
                          So i am using more gel on the left side for a while, as uk hair solutions said it can only be the amount applied, i have been doing that for 2 months, once a week on the right side and the top and twice a week on the left...still NOTHING!


                          • stravucce
                            Junior Member
                            • Aug 2011
                            • 12

                            are you sure it is alopecia you suffer from?

                            That is strange? Are you sure it is an androgenic hair loss you have Childsoul?
                            My cousin afer a car accident fell on his head and they just had to shave his right side scalp the time his scar closed and healed...anyway he was about 6 at the time, and yeaars later his hair is always shorter on the right side, we can't see any scar at all, his scalp os totally normal but his hair does not grow like the rest of his head, he has to keep all his hair short because of that.
                            So your shorter hair might have something to do with a physical choc you got from football or something!!

                            I have only been using the uk hair solutions on my receiding hairline and it started growing 8 months later, but it seems that the hair is getting thicker all over, i think you should just keep applying more on the empty side, as 9 months is too soon to say if it will make it even on all your hair, it is already a great thing that it is growing so soon, some people had to wait a year or 2 before seeing any results, and some did not see a thing, my cousin does not have a Alopecia, but just tried on his right side and no results, he is on his 5th month and his hair still does not grow more than usual...


                            • roidulot
                              Junior Member
                              • Sep 2011
                              • 1

                              Good morning guys.

                              I have myself used uk hair solutions mask for 2 years and stopped last March.
                              I read your situation SHILDSOUL and i have the same thing.
                              Actually, it started to grow a lot more on the sides after about 9 months of treatment at once a week application and leav it on all day, i prefered to use it in the day because i dont like washing my hair in the morning but only at night, si i apply it before going to work and wash it the evening, i have a shdding for about 3 months before it started stopping my hair loss.
                              after a year i stoped applying the oil to the sides and only the top of my head and it made it even.
                              2 years have been enough to pass from a norwood 5 to a 3 but now all over i can notice a dispatched thinning of the hair, and not just the vertex or the golfs.
                              So i am thinking to start again in October for another 3 or 6 months treatment.


                              • jackson55
                                Junior Member
                                • Oct 2011
                                • 14

                                they changed the product


                                i have been using the uk hair solutions formula for 18 months and last month
                                i ordred another course and they changed the packaging and the way to use it, before you had to heat up the product and now it is already liquide and ready to use, and you only get 1 big bottle unstead of 3 little pots..
                                Does any body tried the first formula and then used that new one and saw any change in the way it works, i am a bit worried as i just starte getting regrows after 15 months of twice a week application, i am worried they changed something to it and you know what happens the most of the time the formulas changes and you end up with a bad result!!

                                I need some feedbacks please??

                                Thank you

