Antiageing medicine in Hair restoration - free advise and education

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  • Dr. Arvind Poswal
    • Apr 2013
    • 88

    Antiageing medicine in Hair restoration - free advise and education

    Dear readers,
    Anti-ageing medicine/genomic medicine:

    As a new field, it holds immense possibilities.
    There are a host of beneficial steps one can take at home.

    However, please remember, you should consult your doctor if already taking treatments for any disease.
    The supplements/ interventions/habits are not medical advice. These are findings with scientific studies and research.
    Each day, new findings are pouring in.

    It’s exciting times ahead.
    You may have heard of Elizabeth Parrish. If not, you may like to google her.
    The first human possibly to get gene therapy.

    Is she alright? Google please. You can see and hear her talk about her treatments.

    While gene therapy still needs time for the general population, simple anti-ageing measures in form of healthy habits may help people losing hair to retain them.
    So, what are these measures that you should read about and implement?

    Intermittent fasting (eat to live…not the other way round)
    Take regular HIIT as an exercise
    Hot sauna and cold showers
    hyperbaric oxygen
    Breathcontrol exercises
    hypoxia for HGH secretion
    increasing endogenous nitric oxide
    consuming dried parsley to reduce CD38 levels and many more practical steps that can be initiated now.


    For a long time, I have been reading about many companies trying or hoping for a cell based hair multiplication.

    But, the scientific findings suggest that the alternate path of epigenetics and epigenome modification is a better way forward.

    Can pattern baldness be considered ageing of the hair and scalp? - Yes, I think so.

    Have medicines that can effect gene expression been discovered/invented? - Yes. They may be 1st generation drugs. But they have been researched in animal models and there is good reason to believe they work in humans. Many people are taking them because they were already being used without us knowing their true benefits.

    (Of course, wait for more human trials that are being carried out and more planned in future. Such trials happen in the first place when the researchers have good reason to believe they work.)

    I don’t have anything against companies trying to make hair in labs.
    But, in my experience, it’s more distant and costly.
    Unfortunately, for such companies…and fortunately for less well to do patients, anti-ageing medicine works on a preventive pathway.
    Many of the medicines and supplements have already been in use for years or decades.

    Moreover, there’s a host of measures that can be discussed and started by people who are not aware of them and which are free. You don’t need to pay a doctor.

    It’s a lifestyle modification and improvement method. (Not glamorous like cloning).

    I will be glad to help readers understand the often simple concepts that can have a far reaching effect on body and hair. Also, if something can prevent cancer will you not take it or even discuss it?

    Why hair?! You may ask this.
    Scientists researching anti-ageing medicines wanted to visually see the changes in the organ they were working on, so they chose eye instead of liver.

    But what most missed was that hair is the fastest growing organ of our body.
    Any change in the inside mileu will show it’s effect on hair.

    True enough. The researchers, again without trying as usual, found that the hair growth improved.
    You may argue fur growth…but there’s more inputs coming about improvements seen in hair quality, color and thickness when used by humans.
    And, good news is that the improvement occurs at the cellular/genetic level.
    Fisetin, for example works at gene level to change its expression. NMN works to push more hair into anagen phase.
    That’s the correct direction.
    People losing hair (more and more hair entering telogen), should try to hold onto their hair.
    New and better treatments are on way.

    These are not some distant dream.

    I am a likely candidate to observe the effects.
    I have male pattern hairloss in both sides of my family.
    I have been using various anti-ageing interventions since 1985, and haven’t turned bald. And I have never used finasteride/propecia.

    There’s an urgent need to bring all information out in open.
    It’s not that any one doctor will be profiting from this.
    It will be a way to a healthy life which will include better hair and skin.
    However, it’s not about botox or similar cosmetic quickfixes.

    Starting the anti-ageing journey is an all round effort in improving the way one lives, eats, exercises…

    Therefore, I wish to share my experiences and knowledge with all who are interested.

    I will take the readers on this fascinating journey of a lifetime indeed.
    You are welcome to join.

    I look forward to reading a different point of view.

    I will talk about the anti-ageing steps individually.

    Dr Capt Arvind Poswal
  • Dr. Arvind Poswal
    • Apr 2013
    • 88

    Topic 1 :
    Eat to live and Intermittent fasting.
    People currently eat way more than they ought to AND often the wrong diet.

    While it is important to choose the best diet to prevent any malnutrition/undernutrition, its best to take the help of your local dietician as he/she can give local/your ancestral diet alternatives.

    As a first step, calculate the calories you should be taking for the level of activity you are doing throughout the day.
    Calculate for yourself. Do not take general data recommendations.
    A good way is to maintain a diary of your diet and work/exercise.

    The current generations hardly feel hunger pangs.
    After you have concluded documenting your current daily diet and exertions, try fasting for 12 hours as a first step.
    An easy way is to eat a full dinner at around 8 pm and fast till the next day 8 am.
    You can take water in-between.

    As you become more confident, please read the following articles.
    Do let me know if you have any questions.

    Dr Capt Arvind Poswal


    • Dr. Arvind Poswal
      • Apr 2013
      • 88

      Anti-aging is a new way of looking at our body, mind and life.
      It's not about shallow beauty. It's about living with dignity and ability till long as one lives.


      • Dr. Arvind Poswal
        • Apr 2013
        • 88

        Is baldness an age associated epigenetic alteration and can it be altered?

        Apparently yes! And by correct fasting, one can influence the epigenome.
        The following link provides very helpful, though in a scientific language.
        Please let me know if you have any questions about it.

        Fasting potentials are the most interesting topics in the Nutritional Era. Fasting consists of the catabolism of lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates to maintain blood glucose levels in a normal range. The action mechanisms of fasting were firstly understood in minor organisms and later in humans. Nutritional interventions of caloric restriction could attenuate age-associated epigenetic alterations and could have a protective effect against cellular alterations, promoting longevity and health span. While most fasting studies point out the weight and fat mass decreases, it is important to define specific guidelines for fasting and non-fasting days to enhance adherence, minimize the dropout rates of the interventions, and maximize body composition improvement. Although the panorama of evidence on fasting and caloric restriction is wide, there is a lack of a safe fasting protocol to guide physicians in its prescription. The main goal is to identify a how to use guide, a major posology of fasting, inserted within a huge dietetic personalized strategy leading to an optimal and healthy nutritional status.


        • Dr. Arvind Poswal
          • Apr 2013
          • 88

          To understand anti-ageing medicine, it's important to understand senescent cells and how to manage them.
          Fasting is one means of promoting autophagy and partly removing senescent cells.

          Please read the following link to understand.
          Please let me know if you have any questions.


          • Dr. Arvind Poswal
            • Apr 2013
            • 88

            Hyaluronic acid is a vital intracellular substrate (in simple words, our cells are suspended in a matrix of jellylike hyaluronic acid), that shrinks with age causing various effects we see on the skin and brain.
            Does it also effect our hair? ...yes. As it probably does for all other organs in body.


            • Dr. Arvind Poswal
              • Apr 2013
              • 88

              This, for example, is not directly related to hair (unless you believe smoking harms your hair), but is very important information.
              Smokers now should know they have a way to prevent lung cancer.
              This won't grow your hair but may help you enjoy a better life.
              Tobacco carcinogen-induced lung tumors in A/J mice are dependent upon mTOR activity because rapamycin markedly reduced the development and growth of tumors. Combined with the Food and Drug Administration approval of rapamycin and broad clinical experience, these studies provide a rationale to assess …


              • Dr. Arvind Poswal
                • Apr 2013
                • 88

                How to identify and target senolytic cells was researched (including for pulmonary fibrosis following Covid)?

                The following study shows how periodic administration of senolytic drugs can help.

                This has great significance for premature hairloss we are seeing nowadays.
                Pattern hairloss maybe genetic but it's affecting people at an increasingly young age.
                It's not unreasonable to postulate that it's due to premature ageing.
                Our hair being the fastest growing organ will show the effects earliest.


                • Dr. Arvind Poswal
                  • Apr 2013
                  • 88

                  Greying of hair may be the signal for skin ageing.

                  Mayo researchers report for the first time that melanocytes in skin drive aging of that organ. The information clarifies a [...]


                  • Dr. Arvind Poswal
                    • Apr 2013
                    • 88

                    It will be logical to say that we age our organs differently. That's as true for our heart, liver, kidney, as it's for our hair.

                    This premature ageing of the hair has been studied and some interesting facts have come to light about the potential of fisetin and resveratrol.

                    Please read the following
                    Although thinning hair and alopecia are not recognized as severe diseases, hair loss has implications for mental health and quality of life; therefore, a large number of studies have been carried out to develop novel hair growth agents. In the present study, we aimed to examine the potential of telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT), because TERT overexpression in skin activates resting hair follicle bulge stem cells, which triggers initiation of a new hair follicle growth phase and promotes hair synthesis. To this end, we screened polyphenols that activate TERT expression in keratinocytes, and identified resveratrol and fisetin as strong hTERT-augmenting compounds. These polyphenols also regulated the gene expression of cytokines such as IGF-1 and KGF, which activate the β-catenin pathway, and TGF-β1, which plays an important role in maintaining the niche of hair follicle stem cells, thus are thought to play roles in promoting hair growth. We additionally showed that these polyphenols, especially fisetin, promoted hair growth from the shaved dorsal skin of mice, which suggests that these polyphenols activate the transition from telogen to anagen phase. Histological studies indicated that the dorsal skin of mice treated with these polyphenols contained numerous hair follicles and was thickened compared with that in control mice. Furthermore, on the dorsal skin of mice treated with resveratrol and fisetin, a number of proliferating cells (Ki67+ cells) were observed around ...


                    • Dr. Arvind Poswal
                      • Apr 2013
                      • 88

                      Enhanced telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) levels in dermal keratinocytes can serve as a novel target for hair growth promotion. Previously, we identified fisetin using a system for screening food components that can activate the TERT promoter in HaCaT cells (keratinocytes). In the present study, we aimed to clarify the molecular basis of fisetin-induced hair growth promotion in mice. To this end, the dorsal skin of mice was treated with fisetin, and hair growth was evaluated 12 days after treatment. Histochemical analyses of fisetin-treated skin samples and HaCaT cells were performed to observe the effects of fisetin. The results showed that fisetin activated HaCaT cells by regulating the expression of various genes related to epidermogenesis, cell proliferation, hair follicle regulation, and hair cycle regulation. In addition, fisetin induced the secretion of exosomes from HaCaT cells, which activated β-catenin and mitochondria in hair follicle stem cells (HFSCs) and induced their proliferation. Moreover, these results revealed the existence of exosomes as the molecular basis of keratinocyte-HFSC interaction and showed that fisetin, along with its effects on keratinocytes, caused exosome secretion, thereby activating HFSCs. This is the first study to show that keratinocyte-derived exosomes can activate HFSCs and consequently induce hair growth.

                      Fisetin in hair growth


                      • Dr. Arvind Poswal
                        • Apr 2013
                        • 88

                        We have discussed some simple interventions that you can start at home.

                        Next, I will discuss individual anti-ageing/age reversal supplements with focus on hair growth.

                        The first in this series is NMN (Nicotinamide Mono Nucleotide).

                        It’s a natural derivative and a global anti-ageing supplement.

                        Some interesting reading material is available at the following links


                        • Dr. Arvind Poswal
                          • Apr 2013
                          • 88

                          More links for information about NMN

