Histogen Update - Spencer Kobren Speaks With Dr. Craig L. Ziering

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  • Mojo Risin
    Senior Member
    • Mar 2011
    • 157

    I don't know why it would take time to recruit participants ... we would all help them tomorrow morning if we could.


    • Latitude
      Junior Member
      • Apr 2011
      • 11

      I’m sure allot of us would like to help, however I’d suspect the criteria for clinical trials is quite strict. For example they may want to screen out anyone what may have something other than androgenic alopecia (other types of alopecia’s), certain age groups, certain NW patterns, pre-existing medical conditions, past treatments (Propecia, Minox, HT) and so on. They would also need to find participants that would not hold they liable if issues or complications were to arise.

      That said I’d agree with you in general, it probably 'should not' take a long time, but things always seem to take longer than one would reasonably expect.


      • CVAZBAR
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2010
        • 444

        Well of course I want safety first, that's why I said assuming everything went well. I meant time wasted, like the problems they had financially. The trials were supposed to start in 2010. I just want everything to go well. Waiting sucks.


        • Havok
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2011
          • 158

          it just means it wont be ready by 2014/2015 lol. well at least we'll know if plucked cloning will work by end of this year.


          • HairTalk
            Senior Member
            • Feb 2011
            • 253

            Originally posted by Havok
            it just means it wont be ready by 2014/2015 lol. well at least we'll know if plucked cloning will work by end of this year.
            Will we? Has Dr. Bernstein yet begun working on his study? Even if he has, I'd think it would be about halfway into 2012 before the results became available (that is, if the world doesn't end... — ).


            • mavikabir85
              Junior Member
              • Feb 2010
              • 3

              First of all i am sorry for my bad english

              We know there are lots of baldness sufferer all over the world and lots of them seeking for a cure about it. And i think Histogen is the most popular hope among the alternatives. İmagine the year is 2015 and Histogen brought HSC on the market. This is going to create a huge demand about HSC? I wonder how will this huge demand be responded by Histogen? Will be long long queue for it that will make sufferers waiting for years? Is there any Project about this situation?



              • UK_
                Senior Member
                • Feb 2011
                • 2744

                Originally posted by mavikabir85
                First of all i am sorry for my bad english

                We know there are lots of baldness sufferer all over the world and lots of them seeking for a cure about it. And i think Histogen is the most popular hope among the alternatives. İmagine the year is 2015 and Histogen brought HSC on the market. This is going to create a huge demand about HSC? I wonder how will this huge demand be responded by Histogen? Will be long long queue for it that will make sufferers waiting for years? Is there any Project about this situation?

                Disregarding any patents (as I am not aware if there are any or not) I am assuming that HSC would succomb to the market pressures that impact every other drug/product, however, something that offers a real treatment for hair loss, would bring unprecedented demand, the main reason why only a small percentage of people seek treatment is because there really aren’t many effective treatments on the market today.

                There will also be other competitors, Aderans is also planning for 2014, Follica are also working on something, but for sure, from the way the concepts look, Histogen to me (as a consumer) looks the most attractive; 2 years with sustained new growth after ONE INJECTION? lol, and they've been good to us (the hair loss community), always keep us informed, give us updates and inform us about trials etc. I wish them all the very best of luck for June.


                • Latitude
                  Junior Member
                  • Apr 2011
                  • 11

                  Seems Dr. Naughton is leaving her post as SDSU in order to focus on her role at Histogen, I would suggest this is a good sign.


                  • RichardDawkins
                    • Jan 2011
                    • 895

                    jop thats true. Prime Example of a business woman thats for sure


                    • HairTalk
                      Senior Member
                      • Feb 2011
                      • 253

                      One more question for Dr. Ziering: what will be the balding-patterns of the fifty patients to be enrolled in Histogen's June, 2011 trial of H.S.C.? That is, do you intend to enroll men who are Norwood 7s or close to?

                      Thank you.


                      • CVAZBAR
                        Senior Member
                        • Dec 2010
                        • 444

                        They should include all types of balding and even get a background on the patients. It would be nice to know how aggressive their balding is or was and that way we have a better idea on how well this will work on different types of balding.


                        • Nina
                          Junior Member
                          • Feb 2011
                          • 2

                          I hope you're starting women trials also?


                          • KeepHoping
                            Senior Member
                            • Dec 2010
                            • 182

                            Earlier Release

                            Dr. Ziering,

                            Being a younger guy with diffuse hairloss on top the treatment Histogen is presenting seems to be the best chance for me to get my original head of hair back. Before I say anything, I think I speak for many of us when I say that I appreciate the amount of work and attention you have given to this forum.

                            My question to you is if after the next trail Histogen finds the correct dosage and how many injections are necessary to bring patients back to having a full head of hair, why not release the product in a country that has more lax rules about bringing it to market and allow consumers who want it to get the product earlier? Many of us are diffusely thinning and time is a factor, this would give many of us a lot of hope to grow back our hair and help so many people get past this terrible problem that kills our self esteem at such a young age. If the board won't allow it, they won't allow it but Dr. Ziering you are someone who surely understands how hairloss devastates a younger guy as I'm sure you've seen many in your office seeking an answer, I think it would be great if you could at least present the idea to Histogen and see what they say. I personally think it's a win-win, Histogen makes more money earlier to conduct more research for a faster US market release and you give hope to many hair-loss sufferers who are struggling on a daily basis.

                            Thank You,


                            • Hurts
                              Senior Member
                              • Apr 2011
                              • 138

                              Mate. They're not going to rush a product that's not known to be 100% SAFE or proven to work untill they conduct stage 2 trials to confirm otherwise. Dr Ziering knows how balding men/women feel and has himself said MANY times on this forum, in this thread even, that he and his colleagues are doing their best to bring this product to market as soon as humanly possible. IF the product passes the trials, then it will be a matter of 1-2 years. There's no point writing posts that may potentially use up Dr. Ziering's limited forum-time (should he embark on writing answers to your questions) when there are many other questions more deserving of an answer than yours.


                              • KeepHoping
                                Senior Member
                                • Dec 2010
                                • 182


                                What I was implying is releasing the product after the phase 1/2 trail, after safety has been confirmed. That was the point of my post, not to cut out the phase 1/2 trials completely but rather to release the product somewhere else sooner after the 2nd trail has been completed. It was not meant to be disrespectful but as a request for him to bring up to the board, I feel like it makes a lot of sense actually. If safety and efficacy has been proven through the 1/2 trails , I think it makes total sense to release it in a place that has less restrictions, this should have no effect on its FDA approval in the States or in Asia. Again, I'm not saying to release it right now before proving safety in the upcoming trails in Asia, I'm saying prove safety and efficacy and release it afterward.

