• 08-06-2011 09:13 PM
    John P. Cole, MD
    Hair Talk, we will try to do a better job in the future to satisfy your photographic needs. In the meantime, we are promoting hair transplant surgery, a proven entity. We are not trying to raise speculative dollars selling a technology like Histogen. Histogen is held to a higher standard because their technology is not proven. They need perceived results to fund a round of speculation from their investors. Most of their investors do not have the experience that someone like myself has to analyze their photographs and recognize that the photos are inconsistent with the pre-operateive photos. Maybe you would give them a million dollars to further investigate these unimpressive photos, but I would not and i would not encourage any of my friends to invest in a unproven technology.

    In general, we have far more results than we post. We don't post as many as we have simply because we have always felt that patients hold us to a higher standard. If it looks good, but does not meet our standard, we will not post it. If there are obstructing things like hair clips hiding the results, we will not post them. With over 10,000 hair transplant procedures, I can assure you that I have many more results than i post. Of course only a limited number of patients allow their photographs to be posted, but even then we allow only those patient results that are fair and balanced to be depicted on our website over the course of time. Anyone can change the lighting to make a result look better. That's not our modus operandi.

    Having said all this, i would put our results up against what I've seen from Histogen 7 days a week.

    Regarding blurry, i don't like that. i like clean and crisp. I think you need to be able to focus on a result. i've seen far to many results that were not clean and crisp to the point that you cannot magnify them. I've always felt this was important and i will speak with my webmaster to insure that we do not deviate from my personal standards. Of course you can't always insure that patients send you the highest quality pre-op or post-op photos, but you can ensure that you post the highest quality images to your webslte. We've done this in the past. i don't micromanage my non-surgical staff, but I also don't allow anything other than perfection. In my surgery room I have my eye on everything Outside it, I can only evaluate what was done such as photographs. Sill given that our only photographs are of the highest standards and we cannot control photographs that patients send us, I honestly feel that you are maliciously over reaching in your comments, Hair Talk. There are far more clinics with obvious suboptimal photographs, but you have singled mine out. What is your objective? How could you compare my results to those of Histogen, when those of Histogen are nothing short of misleading?
  • 08-07-2011 03:06 AM

    Originally Posted by drcole View Post
    I'm not attacking Bosely commercials or suggesting that their research is not real. Why wouldn't someone want to find a cure for hair loss with medication? you'd make even more millions. what i'm saying is that while they might have a financial inducement to produce clinical results, their total marketing package might be to include a hair research center that is not properly funded in an effort to add credibility to their brand. How else do you get over the hurdle of 30 years of bad work? You add credibility in other ways. Aderans is Bosley. Why did they hire Ken Wieshnik? He added credibility; he certainly knew very little about hair transplants. He knows alot about Propecia and other hair loss drugs, but that's his strength. Aderans is not trying to clone hair. They are trying to create cell multiplication. No one has found a solution to this yet, either.

    If your theory is true, then why has Aderans been acquiring past small biotech companies that were working with primarily DP cells? (I.e. Intercytex).

    Why bother if it's just a marketing scam?

    I am sure there are better ways to overcome bad press than spending millions on adulterated clinical trials... McDonalds found a great way - buy out Subway sandwiches and sell to the health conscious that way.

    By the way Dr Cole - I doubt if [for arguments sake] Aderans were to be found out about this proposed marketing scam, it wouldn't be the consumers that would be angry due to being fooled into believing Bosley are better than they are (rolf), you would see a massive investor backlash, lawsuits would run riot - sorry, but I can't see it.

    Dr Bernstein is a great guy - and so is Dr Rassman... but here is another individual who proposed the utter impossibility of growing a hair follicle outside the lab... low and behold a year later our friends in Germany grew a fully functioning hair follicle (Lauster et al).
  • 08-07-2011 04:36 AM
    Dr Cole don't you think it is just typical that Dr Bernstein/Rassman have both stated it is near impossible for a follicle to be grown in vitro - and a year later German scientists totally proved them wrong? lol.

    Rassman has also been attacking Gho's procedure - sorry but as a consumer if I had £10,000 to spend on a surgical procedure what would I spend it on? regular FUE or HST (or head tattoo lmfao)? Bear in mind I personally have never seen an FUE doc produce donor results/pictures similar to the ones seen by Dr Gho.
  • 08-07-2011 07:48 AM
    Dr Gho's procedure pwns all FUE clinics.

  • 08-07-2011 01:06 PM
    John P. Cole, MD
    UK, what is this link to?

    I don't think it is impossible to clone hair. i just think it is more difficult than our present state of research can manage.

    I've not seen any of Dr. Gho's patients in many years. I honestly can't comment on the work he is doing today. We spoken by phone in the past. He's a nice man. I know that his donor areas looked good and the grafts had a good yield though the grafts were not placed at a high density yeas ago.

    I'm not familiar with Dr. Bernstein's comments on follicle growth. i do know that he forms opinions and once formed, they are difficult to modify.

    You could well be correct about Aderans. They are an enormously successful company. There is no doubt that it will be in their best interest financially to find a solution to inducing follicle growth. The same can be said for Histogen. My primary point is that I don't expect the breakthrough to come from Aderans, ever though i wish them all the success in the world. My other point was that the example Histogen gave did not appear to be the same place on the scalp. That made me skeptical about Histogen. It seems they have other results that look more impressive, however. You guys are giving me some good information and I'm processing it. I really appreciate the feed back. It is helping me to better formulate my opinions. Thanks.
  • 08-07-2011 01:12 PM
    The last post was a general post to the rest of the community - Wesley Sneijder had a HST procedure with Gho, his results look great, I have also seen pictures of his donor, granted from a distance but I see no thinning as he keeps his hair shaved grade 2.
  • 08-07-2011 02:10 PM
    Dr Cole no one is attacking you but i personally think that you will be one of the first docs to get something with hair cloning done for the patoents and even if its some form of Ghos HST.

    The reason for this is simple, you keep on learning therefore i dont attack you for changing your opinions from time to time. I think those changes of mind are much more important then the same old clinic statements " Hair multiplication is impossible and will maybe available in 10 to 20 years"

    I would really prefer your clinic to get in touch with Gho and if the evidence is good, to offer HST done by yourself, because i like your work and i think that your reaults with an way expanded donor will be more then just amazing, but thats my opinion
  • 08-07-2011 03:55 PM
    Follicle Death Row
    Dr. Cole the link is to a page with Dr. Gho's most high profile patient, Dutch football player Wesley Sneijder. That's him with his hair shaved down to about a 2 or 3 all over. I know Dr. Gho will generally only do 2000 grafts in one HST session but it looks as if Wesley has had substantially more. Perhaps it is the favourable skin hair colour contrast but the density looks very high. The result is remarkable. All the moreso if indeed there is 90% donor regeneration.

    It would be interesting to compare the preservation medium that Dr. Gho uses with Acell.
  • 08-07-2011 05:14 PM
    John P. Cole, MD
    Ok. Now I understand. Yes that does look like a nice result. I'll put it on my list of things to do next week to look further into what Dr. Gho is up to these days.

    I think there are alot more talented folks working on cloning right now, but I appreciate the vote of confidence. Hey, i thought FUE was the craziest thing I'd ever heard of 11 years ago, but now I love it and hate strips. I definitely change my opinions. People should always learn from their mistakes and keep an open mind. That is the only way progress is made.
  • 08-07-2011 09:40 PM
    I was searching online to find a pic of Sneidjer's hair loss and came up with this one.


    Its a good angle and similar lighting and cut to his current pics. You can really see the improvement when you look back at the before. Is it certain that Gho procedure is the only transplant he had? If so, I'm really impressed and hopeful that its the real deal.


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