• 04-13-2014 11:07 PM
    It's kind of difficult to see if your temples are actually thinning from the pics, but there is definite recession there. All you can do if you are unsure is just take pics every few months and compare.

    Personally when I started balding, I knew. I didn't think: "Is my hairline receding". I knew what I was seeing then as much as I do now.
  • 04-14-2014 10:03 AM
    Your hairline is receded, but it could stay like that forever. It's not thinning. You don't need to worry right now, your hair is cosmetically awesome. Anything you could possibly do would show zero difference in what your hair looks like. In a year or so you might want to get on a small dose of fin, as that could maintain your hair forever.

    Look on the bright side, you know what's going on before it gets to the point where anyone else will have the slightest idea. That's where you want to be. Stop being paranoid, I can assure you that I was where you were and nobody noticed anything. Nobody even really noticed anything when it started to become painfully obvious to me that my hair was ****ed. But you are like 3 years removed from being "****ed" at the very least.

    You just need to keep an eye out for thinning, like every 3 months or so try to see if your hairline is the same thickness all over. If not, then do something about it and don't lie to yourself.

    But right now, your hair is thick which is all that matters. Nobody would think twice about it at all, but I would suggest that you keep that hairstyle as it is the best for hiding a hairline that isn't perfectly straight.
  • 04-14-2014 09:20 PM
    [Inappropriate post and quote removed]

    This is some of the worst advice I have ever read on this site, if not on the entire Internet. A 16-year-old should NEVER be taking Dutasteride, and most men are far from sexual maturity at age 12. Where do you even get this?

    No one should ever take oral minox. There is a reason it is almost never prescribed anymore. It can cause severe cardiac side effects. Who knows what the long term effects could be if a 16-year-old kid begins taking it long term.

    No surgeon on the planet with any amount of ethics would perform a hair transplant on an adolescent. He should not even think of such a thing for another 10 years. Even then, he likely won't be a candidate unless he can stop the hair loss completely before then.

    Please go see a doctor and get advice. This post is precisely why you should never ever take medical advice from the Internet.
  • 04-14-2014 11:28 PM
    I must have missed that post. But yeah recommending meds to somebody under 18 is something that none of us should do. Even under 21 I would say go see your doctor before making a final decision.


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